Thursday, October 2, 2014

The Monastery of Motherhood

I struggled through my initial launch into motherhood, unsure of who I was or what it looked like to be an ambitious woman staying at home with young children.  I wondered if I was in a "season of waiting" or a "desert" and just needed to persevere until I somehow became worthy of my real calling. The long days, silence, and isolation of the newborn months with my daughter made me question the decision I made to stay home.

My life changed when I discovered that Brother Lawrence, one of the key influencers of modern Christianity, was a dishwasher.  At a monastery.  During that initial transition out of my career, I felt like little more than a dishwasher in my home.

Suddenly I had a new appreciation for the silences of my day.  I began to pray and walk and fill the white spaces with truth and beauty.  I decided to be purposeful about my time "washing dishes" so now when I wash dishes or fold laundry I am almost always listening to a podcast or recorded sermon.  It has changed me. It has changed the way I view my time, my chores, and my calling.  The silence is less of a desert or waiting, and more of an invitation to slow down and explore and think and pray.  

I've had a few people ask about my favorite things I've listened to, and though this is not an exhaustive list, it's my "Greatest Hits" of 2014 so far (many of them are much older than this year but I only recently discovered them).  Some of them are pretty meaty, but I've loved challenging my brain and inviting it to keep turning even in the midst of mindless tasks.

So grab a set of headphones and spice up your housework!  I hope you enjoy these talks as much as I have.  They are truly the only real motivation I have to do chores.  If you have any of your own favorite podcasts, leave them in the comments!  I'm always excited to discover new people.

Best Podcasts/Sermons of 2014

Tim Keller
Brene Brown 
Christine Caine 
Francis Chan
John Ortberg
NT Wright (heavier stuff, but really thought engaging)

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